About us

Show Me Condoms was established in 2017 by the North Central Community Advisory Group (NCCAG). NCCAG is a group for North and Mid-Missourians promoting sexual health, STI prevention, education, and overall well being for the people we serve. NCCAG proudly provides access to testing services and resources for individuals who want to make informed sexual health decisions. Together, we continue to innovate to ensure testing, condoms, education and other resources are accessible for all individuals within our 37- county HIV Care Region.

While we may be limited in geography to the 37 counties we serve, we believe that sex education and resources should be relevant and inclusive for everyone. We believe that everyone should be recognized, honored, and celebrated exactly as they are, regardless of sexuality, race, identity or HIV/STI status. 

NCCAG strives to erase stigma around sexual health and correct harmful and false information that perpetuates throughout society. We understand that these topics are sensitive and that people come to us from all different backgrounds, so we strive to maintain sex positivity and immediately shut down stigmatized language through compassion and facts.

If you are interested in joining NCCAG, email showmecondoms@como.gov for more information.


Show Me Condoms is working to End the HIV Epidemic

Although COVID-19 restrictions posed many challenges, our organization served more than 370 people in 2021. We provided HIV self-testing through at-home kits, conducted rapid HIV testing at our clinic and during community events, shared detailed information on HIV prevention and treatment services, as well as providing free condoms through an online ordering system. We continue to innovate in order to meet everyone’s needs during the pandemic.

As part of our efforts to create an inclusive space, one of our testing sites, Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services renovated their HIV prevention clinic room.

Prior to renovations, the space was a traditional clinical room, complete with an exam table and other medical supplies. While extremely functional, we found this space to be off-putting for some of our clients. The bright lighting and blank walls did not create a warm and inviting environment that we know is important, especially when discussing sexual health. We know our clients come from various backgrounds and we strive to meet them where they are. Providing services and resources in a welcoming environment for our clients to achieve sexual health is our priority. We wanted our HIV prevention clinic room to reflect this.

Stigma has no home here

We want to help eliminate stigma and correct harmful and false information that perpetuate throughout our society. Our goal is to ensure all people feel safe and secure in this space. Reducing or eliminating the threat of STIs and HIV/AIDS requires work from everyone. We hope that by setting a positive example of care, openness, and education it will create a ripple effect to become normalized for other providers and the patients they serve.